Asbestos and Mesothelioma Compensation Claims
If you have suffered an injury as a result of exposure to asbestos, you may be able to claim compensation. The amount you are able to claim depends on the type and severity of your injury. Personal Injury Claims Aberdeen can help you get the compensation you are entitled to. Our compensation guide outlines the levels of compensation for some of the most common types of injury.
Asbestos Related Injury Claims Lawyers
The rules relating to claims for asbestos-related conditions have changed in recent years. The UK supreme court decided in late 2011 that those who had been contracted pleural plaques as a result of exposure to Asbestos had a right to compensation. The rules for asbestos personal injury claims are slightly different to other types of personal injury claim to reflect their unique nature.
If you have suffered, or are suffering from, any of the following: pleural plaques, pleural thickening, mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestosis then you can make a claim.
You can make a claim for asbestos related personal injury even if:
- The exposure which caused the injury occurred many years ago;
- You worked for numerous employers who exposed you to asbestos;
- Your employer (or employers) are no longer trading;
- You were a contract/self-employed at the time of exposure.
You must, however, bring the action within three years of being diagnosed with your condition. In some cases, asbestos related health problems can take decades to develop. Aberdeen in the 50’s. 60’s and 70’s was a hive of heavy industry and many men were exposed to asbestos in the shipyards, railyards, construction and manufacturing industries. If you were (or are) employed in such an industry then contact us today for no obligation advice on making a claim for asbestos related personal injury.
It is not known exactly how mesothelioma and other conditions are caused. The best guess of the medical and legal professions is that exposure to a single fibre of Asbestos may be sufficient to lead to the development of a serious asbestos related medical condition. As such, it may be possible to contract these diseases over a relatively short period. In some cases, family members have contracted the condition, having been exposed to the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos. In such cases, the afflicted family member may also be able to claim compensation.
The most serious of these conditions is mesothelioma. It is often fatal within a few months. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you should seek advice about bringing a claim at your earliest convenience. If you have lost a family member to mesothelioma, we may be able to claim compensation for you on their behalf.
If you worked for several employers, each of whom negligently exposed you to asbestos, then your claim will be directed against them proportional to the time you spent working there.
The current compensation guidelines are:
£35,000 – £83,750
The duration of the pain and suffering, and the life expectancy after diagnosis influence the level of the award in these cases. The court will also consider the remaining lung function and the quality of life.
Lung Cancer
£51,500 – £66,000
The court will consider the same factors as those for Mesothelioma.
£31,500 – £69,500
While this may be symptomless in the early stages, it can lead to severe symptoms including breathlessness. The current guidelines state that a reduction in respiratory capacity of 10%-20% would attract an award of £46,000
Pleural Thickening
£25,250 – £51,500
Other illnesses
£4,350 – £7,250
In cases where there is no risk of mesothelioma, lung or other cancers, or asbestosis, this will be considered an appropriate award.
Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma Claims Aberdeen
If you or a loved one has suffered the injuries described above, and someone else is to blame, contact us today.
Call us on 01224 980 625. Alternatively, you can contact us online to find out more information.
Other related services that we can help you with include: