Factory Injury Claims

Although the number of factory injuries suffered is less than many other types of injury, they are often more serious. If you or someone that you know has suffered an accident whilst working or visiting a factory it is possible that compensation may be available. The amount of compensation will be determined by a number of factors, including the cause of the accident and the severity of the injury. However, there are several other considerations and it is important that you seek expert legal advice from an experienced personal injury specialist in Aberdeen as they will be able to provide a clearer indication of how much compensation may be awarded.

Factory Accident Compensation

Given the fact that factories are often full of machinery and other hazards, there is a large amount of legislation governing steps that employers need to take to ensure the safety of those present and/or working. A specialist in Aberdeen will be aware of these health and safety regulations, which are in place in order to attempt to stop any accidents happening. Therefore, if an accident occurs it is important to look at whether the various regulations had been correctly adopted. If it is clear that there has been a failure to implement health and safety legislation then it is likely that the employer will be held liable and has to pay compensation.

Health and Safety Regulations

There are a number of statutes that deal with health and safety in factories, and there are commonly referred to as the six-pack and include regulations relating to health and safety at work the usage of equipment, protective equipment manual handling and display screens. These Regulations came into force in 1992 and cover a number of different areas, including the need for employers to carry out regular testing, risk assessments and maintenance as well as ensure that there are clear procedures in place and that adequate training is given. A personal injury expert in Aberdeen will be able to explain whether or not the correct procedures were followed or not.

Make a Claim for a Factory Injury

It is impossible to list all of the different types of factory injuries that individuals may suffer, but common injuries in factories include cuts, fractures, ear injuries, back injuries and others that occur as a result of slips, trips, falls or even due to a poor workplace layout or lack of ventilation. Regardless of the type of injury suffered or its cause, it is important to contact a personal injury solicitor** in Aberdeen as soon as is reasonably possible after the accident.

Factory Injury Lawyers Aberdeen

If you have been injured then you need to make sure that you choose personal injury solicitors you can depend on.

Call us on 01224 980 625. Alternatively, you can contact us online to find out more.

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