Back Injury Claims
If you have been injured in the last three years, and it wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim compensation. The amount you are able to claim depends on the type and severity of your injury. Personal Injury Claims Aberdeen can help you get the compensation you are entitled to. Our compensation guide outlines the levels of compensation for some of the most common types of injury.
Back Injury Compensation
Back injuries encompass a wide spectrum of types of injury from the most severe such as paralysis, to minor injuries like strains and sprains. Back injuries can be among the most debilitating of all injuries and can be very hard to treat. These injuries are commonly associated with lengthy periods of rest and recovery. As such, you may also be able to make a claim for lost earnings.
Back injuries can result from slips, trips and falls, workplace accidents, or car accidents. The level of back injury compensation reflects the severity and nature of the injury as well as the type.
Severe back injury compensation
£66,000 – £111,000
Injuries of the most severe nature but which fall short of paralysis. These cases normally involve other, related consequences such as impotence or incontinence.
In the region of £53,000
This level of compensation is awarded specifically to back injuries which take them outside the normal context of what we would consider a ‘back’ injury. These are cases that involve or lead to bladder impairment, sexual problems, scarring and the possibility of future complications.
£25,500 – £45,750
Injuries which lead to disc lesions, fractures of discs or of vertebrae which lead to ongoing disabilities and discomfort. These may also be associated with continuing pain, discomfort, loss of agility, sexual problems, arthritis and loss of employment.
Moderate back injury compensation
£18,250 – £25,500
This bracket contains a wide variety of injuries. Normally, this level of compensation will be awarded if there is a substantial risk of osteoarthritis and continuing pain and discomfort. There may also be impairment of sexual function and/or spinal fusion.
£8,250 – £18,250
This bracket includes many frequently encountered back injures such as disturbance to the ligaments and muscles. These are normally soft-tissue injuries. The court will consider the severity of the original injury and the likelihood of permanent or chronic disability.
Minor Back Injuries
No minimum – £8,250
All other sprains, strains and soft-tissue injuries from which total or almost total recovery is expected within a period of up to five years.
Back Injury Lawyers Aberdeen
If you or a loved one has suffered the injuries described above, and someone else is to blame, contact us today.
Call us on 01224 980 625. Alternatively, you can contact us online to find out more information.